Of Course, That's Not Always A Bad Thing

The Moments I Live For
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It didn’t take long for Wendy to get patched up.  The staff washed and disinfected the cuts on her knuckles, then wrapped her hands up to promote healing.  As for the bruise on her face, there was little they could do.  Luckily, Bogum had missed both her eye and her lip, so the bruise only colored her cheek and was only slightly swollen.  The staff said the swelling would go down rather quickly, in about two days, but it would probably remain purple for longer.  They gave her some ice and applied makeup, to cover the mark as she left the event, where fansites were definitely going to take pictures.

When the staff finished patching Wendy up, Irene had asked for a moment in private, which prompted everyone except the two of them to vacate the room.  This was when the nervousness set in for Wendy.  Even though she had reasons for everything she did, she still put Irene through a lot of pain.  She wouldn’t be surprised if Irene didn’t take her back afterwards.  Old Wendy might’ve just accepted it, but she wouldn’t let it happen now.  She would do anything to call Irene her girlfriend again.

As soon as everyone else left the room, Irene opened to speak, but Wendy beat her to it.  “Joohyun, can I go first?”

Irene nodded slowly, choosing to remain silent as she let Wendy continue.

“Thanks.” Wendy took a deep breath before she began to explain herself.  “Bogum knew about us, he had pictures and he threatened to expose us unless I went along with what he said.  He wanted me to break up with you.  I hate that I did it, but I was scared and-” Wendy paused, not finishing her statement.  She didn’t want to make excuses, not to Irene.  “I went to the company instead of telling you, or the rest of the members for that matter.  That was wrong, I know that now.  They told me to wait, until they could get some dirt on Bogum, but they weren’t quick enough.”

Wendy clenched her fists despite how much they hurt, she was angry at the outcome of everything.  “I shouldn’t have let this happen.  If I had told you then he wouldn’t have-”

“Seungwan.” Irene interrupted while gently laying her hand on Wendy’s own clenched fist.  As Wendy’s hand relaxed, Irene interlaced their fingers.  “It’s ok, I understand why you did what you did.”

“You do?” Wendy was glad, but she was also surprised that the older woman wasn’t mad.  “But I put you through hell, I didn’t want to-”

“I hated being without you.” Irene admitted, squeezing Wendy’s hand gently “Which is why I don’t want to waste a single moment with you.  I hate that you didn’t tell me what was happening, I hate that you thought you had to deal with it by yourself, but I just want to be with you again.”

Irene smiled brightly, stunning Wendy.  “So, Son Seungwan, will you be my girlfriend?”

Wendy chuckled as happy tears ran down her face.  “If you’d take me back, I’d love to be your girlfriend.”

“Then it’s settled.”  

The two girls then came together in a passionate kiss, one that the

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We hit 1100 subscribers recently! Just wanted to thank everyone <3 I'm so happy you all enjoy my story, and I'll work hard to keep updating for you :) Thank you!


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ShinHye24 1340 streak #1
Chapter 39: I love those Halloween pictures of wr so much It was wild back then
WluvsBaetokki #2
Chapter 38: That iconic Halloween party and Seungwan's coat that Ms. Bae was wearing ha!
Chapter 39: Thanks for this AU. Sorry I just found you. The story is very good. I look forward to your work.
1801 streak #5
Chapter 39: Thanks for updates~ I remember Irene went viral, they want to know who's jacket she wears lol
Chapter 38: Thanks you for update. And happy new year
baejoonism #7
Chapter 38: Thanks for the update!! Will be waiting for the next updates!
WluvsBaetokki #8
Chapter 38: Yasssss author-nim is back! Happy holidays to you! And thank you for updating. Be looking forward to your updates...
Chapter 38: Your comeback...
Thank you
Chapter 38: Welcome back author!! Thanks for the update. I will be waiting for more but don't worry, take your time. Happy holidays for you, stay safe!